Paula Velez (coopératrice) invitée en tant que performeuse à Vision’R

Paula Velez est invitée en tant que performeuse par Shu Lea Cheang dans un projet appelé CrisisRus qui sera présenté dans le cadre du Festival Vision’R à Paris.
Voilà les infos ci dessous :
LAPTOPSRUS launches CRISISRUS OPEN CALL for your crisis banners, tweets and AV streams.
Prompted by the prolonging economic crisis as manifested in global Cacerolazo (dubbed global noise) of massive street protests with pots and pans, LaptopsRus launches CrisisRus “NETWORK | RE:WORK” in 2013. We want to acknowledge woman work force and resilient capacity in these time of personal and general crisis. “NETWORK | RE:WORK” is conceived as an online and offline Cacerolazo live performance with woman performers, homemakers, nomads, artists, activists across north-south continents and east-west hemisphere. Combining network streams of audiovisual materials with local perspectives in addressing issues of concerns, the CrisisRus live performance remixes slogans, signals, noise and visuals in AV manifestation.
LaptopsRus is a self-organized open-participatory platform engaged in networking woman live performers. In Spring 2009, laptopsRus launched “MEETING | REUNIÓN”, bringing woman live performers for open public meeting/performance set inside an electronically updated boxing ring.  Since its launch at Vision’R 09 in Paris, LaptopsRus has toured extensively including Madrid, Berlin, Geneva and HsinChu, Taiwan. CrisisRus takes on an online/offline performance format that includes live performance with online AV streams, geolocation mapping and twitter messaging.
 LaptopsRus is delighted to return to Paris for its world premiere launch of CrisisRus at Vision’R 2013 in Paris’ Le Générateur on November 28, 2013. With this performance, we are calling for your online participation – post and tweet your crisis, upload AV streams. Your contribution will be part of the global Cacerolazo live performance set in an UN security council meeting installation.
CrisisRus is initiated by laptopsRus (since 2009)
Maite Cajaraville
Shu Lea Cheang
Lucía Egaña Rojas
Vision’R Paris